Retirement: Lyn O’Fee


Dear Friends in Christ,

Lyn will be relinquishing her position as Lay Minister in Charge of the Parish on 2nd March 2025.

We are so grateful for Lyn’s many years of faithful service which have been such a blessing to the parish.
She has been an inspiring pioneer of lay parish leadership, and a shining example of selfless ministry.

We trust and pray that God will pour his blessing on Lyn as she enters retirement and also on the parish in this time of transition.

The parish will be led in this leadership interregnum by Neill Smart the Bishop’s Warden.
We trust that God will provide the right future leadership for this parish, just as he has always been faithful in the past.

Thank you for your continued faithfulness and support during this time of transition.

With every blessing,

+Justin and +Anashuya