Our Halls are getting some much needed attention
When the hall was built (we assume mid '50s), it was then fit for purpose. Now, not so much.
Our issues are
What we want to do
Refurbish the front hall (done)
It needed it! also remodel the office and make it comfortable and more user friendly. More work will be done after the rear hall addition.
New roof iron and insulation (done)
long run colour steel - will be good not to have holes in it
Remove the back hall (done)
got to find a place to store it's contents first!
This design and build project will be managed entirely by the Anglican Diocese of Wellington - with input and assistance from the Parish
Hopefully this will happen in 2024 2025
We anticipate our road to this might look something like
The Council Building Inspectors visited our building for it's 'Code Of Compliance' inspection the week of the 14th February, and found minor things to be completed. And so we wait ....
We are waiting the last incomplete job to be completed so we can receive our 'code of compliance' from the City Council.
A nice Consecration and Blessing service today with Archbishop Justin and invited guests. Such a blessing to hear good reports and comments!
In Lyn's words, we are 98% done! What a journey!
The IT part is done. The new grass is down, the kitchen is stocked (mostly). The floors looks awesome - with character. The signage is up, the facilities are functional. We are ready. Mostly. First tests this week with a funeral and the consecration on the 14th!
The painters are done and it looks awesome. The carpet is down in the new half. This week saw the floor of the front half sanded and polyurethane coated.
The HVAC is mostly done, the kitchen is about to have it's bit and pieces installed, then we can move onto the IT part of the refurbishment.
We are still hoping to have everything done by the first week of December, with Council "code of compliance" ready for the Parade/Market/Fair on the 7th. What a marathon. What a blessing it has been seeing God's provision and timing throughout this project!
So much progress! The interior construction is done! The electrical and plumbing is done! This last week of October, the kitchen to be assembled, the painters start, and the concrete driveway and apron might be poured by Friday!
The new building is closed in and has a coat of paint! Electrical work is well underway! Plumbing has started. Things are progressing well!
Gib is now going up - great progress!
The roof is on, and mostly complete! The building is wrapped with building paper. All the windows and doors are now in place. Electrical work is underway!
The foundations are done, the subfloor has been built! Flooring is down. Framing is done and most of the roof trusses and braces are in place.
Building Consent has finally been approved by the Palmerston North City Council. What a crazy process! Painful. But thanks to God that is is now going ahead.
Groundworks have begun, the site has been cleared, profiles are up and Probuilt Construction will soon begin the construction process. Exciting!
Resource Consent has been approved by the Palmerston North City Council. Now we work toward building consent.
We are awaiting consent approval from the Palmerston North City Council. It was hoped that we could begin construction in February.
Initial architects drawings for the proposed extension have been done, These will be critiqued by the building Committee and then it's into the more official stage: permits etc. There is no timeline set down at this stage.
More news when we have it
The rear Sunday School school hall has been cleared out and has been sold! It will be moved by truck on Wednesday 15th November. This was a major hurdle for the project to be able to continue.
A contractor (and subcontractors) has been chosen for the build of the new extension, and submissions to PN City Council for building consent are underway.