The Anglican Parish Of Pohangina

Our Parish covers the geographical areas of Ashhurst, Raumai, Pohangina, The Pohangina Valley, Komako, Bunnythorpe, Hiwinui.
We have two churches. St Mary Magdalene's in Ashhurst, and St Bartholomew's at Komako in the Pohangina Valley.

For many years, the parish has operated as a Team Ministry Unit, led by Lyn as Lay Minister, with Neill as Bishop's warden, Yvonne as People's warden, and with elected members of our parish vestry. With the shortage of priests in our Diocese, and in the country, the Diocese has seen us as an example of how a parish can work using this model of team ministry.  The Diocesan Movement text is here.

At our AGM on 2nd March 2025, Lyn is leaving us for a well-earned break and retirement. Under the guidance of Bishop Justin, and Rev Graham Conlon as Bishops Chaplin in the Northern Diocese, the Parish will continue to function as we have with Neill as Bishops Warden (in charge), Yvonne as People's Warden, and our Vestry and Leadership Team stepping up to take on the extra duties. We also  welcome Maree as our new Office Administrator, dealing with the office side of the parish. 

We continue to be part of the Anglican Diocese of Wellington, led by Bishops Justin and Ana, who have called us to minister to the Last, the Least, and the Lost.

Our Parish is called to:

Be Examples of Christ
Be Peace Makers
Be a Light to the World
Be in the Likeness of Christ
Grow Our Faith
Teach Others about Christ
Care for our Buildings
Be Financial Accountability and Responsibility
Care for Our People
Teach our Children
Support those who Serve
Pray Continuously

Our Vestry People:

Office Administrator (outside of Vestry)
Neill Smart
Bishops Warden in Charge
Yvonne Forlong
Peoples Warden
Helen Arbon
Komako Vestry Representative
Cindy Lin
Vestry Representative 
Peter Roelants
Vestry Representative 
Phil Lancaster
Vestry Representative 
Jenny Thomas
Vestry Representative 